Women’s Work

Dust.  To Dust still

The Northwest Art Center, Minot ND has a biennial Women’s Invitational Exhibition, and this year I am showing a video installation. 

Dust. To Dust
While more men now clean the house than in previous generations, I would wager that it’s women who still put more time, or perhaps conviction, into this grunt job.  However, according to the vagaries of current web research, women clean less often now than their mothers and grandmothers, (around 10 hours per week less), and more women are happier with the task of cleaning because they have thankfully/heartily embraced lower standards of cleanliness.  The “White Glove Test” has turned to gray.

Dust to Dust is a collection of women’s thoughts, stories, truisms, about cleaning, and dubious cleaning tips.  Contributors are: Jess Wilimek, Alice Strand, Lori Forshay Donnay, Georgine Gross, Barbara Olsen, Gayle Streier, Lorie Yourd, Pat Rall, Gayle Rixen, Geri Wilimek, Paula Swenson and Vivienne Morgan.

 Click to view  Dust.  To Dust  This movie is 844 megs and will take some time to download, approximately ten to thirty minutes. 

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